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What is chloroquine phosphate tablet used for? Chloroquine phosphate is in a class of drugs called antimalarials and amebicides. It is used to prevent and treat malaria. It is also used to treat amebiasis. This medication is sometimes prescribed for other uses ; ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.
What is the best malaria prophylaxis? Malaria transmission is low or very low in areas at an altitude >2000 metres. For visitors to P. falciparum endemic areas, doxycycline 100mg once a day is now recommended as the drug of choice for short term prophylaxis.
Is chloroquine safe? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), chloroquine is considered safe to use during pregnancy.
What does chloroquine treat? malaria
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Cookie di prima parte e di terze parti

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Quali cookie utilizza il presente sito web, quali sono le loro principali caratteristiche e come negare il consenso a ciascuno dei cookie di profilazione

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