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Businesses are grappling with how to deal with a potential outbreak. Heres what theyre doing, and how it could affect their workers. Gregory Porter is one of the rare few who have crossed over from jazz into mainstream without losing his credibility and gaining fans from Stevie Wonder to Van Morrison along the way The Virginia Legislature passed a bill on Friday that puts the state on a path to 100% clean energy by 2045 as part of the commonwealth's effort to reduce its impact on climate change. In the United States, the social media giant has been an advocate of equal treatment of all Internet content. In India, regulators who share that belief have effectively blocked a free Facebook service. Lorraine Shilcock, 67, from Desford, Leicester, has post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) due to a routine NHS hysteroscopy, which was supposed to help her, not leave her suffering. These days, waterfalls are big business, drawing millions of visitors across the globe annually. 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With the help of friends at Datastream, Reuters blogger Felix Salmon presents a unique visual analysis showing that even at $700 a share, Apple is not overvalued as Microsoft was before its bubble burst. (September 19, 2012) BRIAN VINER Both directors have taken bold liberties with source material, Gerwig with the chronology of Louisa May Alcott's novel and Iannucci, well, with pretty much everything. MIKE DICKSON The tennis world has been thrown into a state of flux after the late cancellation of the first Masters level event of the year, at Indian Wells in California. Bed rest is like Las Vegas. Its nice for three days, but stay any longer and you might lose your mind. On May 15 we said Tim Henman was being paid 200,000 by the BBC for commentating at Wimbledon this year. In fact we have been informed that his fee will be substantially less than that. We apologise for the mistake and are happy to set the record straight. And so is the hookup. 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