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The mob attack on the Capitol, and interviews with Trump voters this week, show that the presidents subversion of democratic values will have enduring influence within the Republican Party. Disturbing video has emerged showing a young Capitol Police officer getting pinned between a metal door at the US Capitol in Washington DC and a riot shield wielded by Trump supporters. The power and prestige of cars like a 1990 Lamborghini might compel some owners to take a Sunday drive. But with odometers this low, the investment would take a hit. The ruling ordered Japan to pay $90,000 each to twelve south Korean women who were forced to work as sex slaves toJapanese troops during World War II. Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis found no clear benefit in the majority of cases to providing extra oxygen. The failed streaming company led by Jeffrey Katzenberg and Meg Whitman is in talks with Roku about a deal. 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It is expected to reveal more about a potential stock market flotation as early as next week and it will be the first significant listing of the year. Meet Monty, an Asian small-clawed otter pup born recently at the Bronx Zoo. Israel'sprime minister Benjamin Netanyahu phoned the boss of vaccine firm Pfizer 17 times in just days to secure more supplies of the Covid jab. The moves came after critics and even some allies of the social media companies said they had failed to prevent the misinformation that led to chaos on Wednesday. There may have been far fewer airplanes in the skies this past year, but if you're looking ahead to future travel, you might take heed of the latest rankings of the world's safest airlines from The former Made In Chelsea star, 31, took to Instagram on Friday as she shared the 'valuable lessons' she learnt, which she plans to carry into 2021. 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Quali cookie utilizza il presente sito web, quali sono le loro principali caratteristiche e come negare il consenso a ciascuno dei cookie di profilazione

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